Monday, December 3, 2012

Journalism Integrity

     Knowing What Journalistic Integrity Means And How It Could Affect You
     This is the main thing to journalism, to always be honest, no plagiarism, and to never value your own opinion when writing. That's what you and a bunch of other people call integrity. Integrity is like a "Code of Conduct" except just for journalism, but it is something you always follow typing an essay or news report or even a blog like this.

  • Responsibility (of newspaper and journalist)
  • Freedom of the Press (“a vital right of mankind”)
  • Independence (fidelity to the public interest)
  • Sincerity, Truthfulness, Accuracy (good faith with reader)
  • Impartiality (news reports free from opinion or bias)
  • Fair Play, Decency (recognition of private rights, prompt correction of errors) ~MarketingProfs Is Important To Not Show Your Own Opinions
      You should never say things in your own opinion like 
"Mr.DeZutti's tie was very nice", because you should only tell facts. So instead of the tie looking nice you could fix it by putting facts in it, say "Mr.DeZutti's neck tie had lots of polka-dots and squares".

   Why It's Important  
     Journalistic Integrity is great especially for this class because THIS IS A JOURNALISM CLASS! So this will have to help you in this class because if you just put a whole bunch of facts in your blog then you will get your grade lowered, and that I know is a fact.
"An adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty"

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